Eliot Glazer shot by Tyler Dean King styled by Maresa Ponitch in Brooklyn, NY

You are very vocal about the current administration and the work that needs to be done. What could more people do to help RESIST?

It's hard to even see straight when the leader of the free world is a game show host from Queens. But I think that the most basic, simple, and straightforward thing to do is vote. Vote, vote, vote. Vote local. Pay attention to local government. Even if you feel ignored by The System, casting that one vote carries so much more power than sitting things out. I know this is easier said than done when voter suppression is so rampant, but hopefully that gets chipped away at over time as the patriarchy crumbles.

What are your thoughts on celebrities who have been silent on these issues?

I honestly don't know why anyone would be upset about a celebrity remaining silent about the election. People seem to be obsessed with Taylor Swift not speaking out against Trump, but I think celebs have less sway in politics than some might think. It would be nuts to think that Taylor Swift could have had a real effect on the election. Or Scott Baio, for that matter. Could you imagine if there was actually an undecided voter was like, "The protection of women, children, and the working class vs. rampant Islamophobia and corporate tax cuts? Tough call. I guess I'll have to wait to see where Scott Baio stands." 

My hope is that the only people whose politics are swayed by celebrity opinion aren't old enough to vote yet.

A lot has come to light in Hollywood in the past few months in a radical, necessary way. Do you think this will shift the way women are treated in the industry? 

I'm not a woman, so it's not my place to say yes or no. But as a person who likes women (and working with them), I certainly hope so.

Still, Hollywood is a strange industry to reflect onto others. I hope that men finally become scared of behaving badly. And, if nothing else, it would be nice to imagine that women speaking out against creeps in Hollywood does, in fact, trickle down into education, business, service, hospitality, medicine--any industry where a woman runs the risk of being disrespected, which is...EVERY industry.

But even as this whole movement started happening, people actively paid to see Mel Gibson in Daddy's Home 2. I was like, wait, everyone's cool with THAT guy now? The one who called the mother of his children a cunt because she fell asleep before he wanted her to blow him in a jacuzzi or some shit? Who decided he was "cuddly" again?

How would you describe your relationship with your body?

Complicated. Political. Exhausting. Living in LA makes it hard.

In a recent Instagram post you wrote in response to a hookup app billboard in Los Angeles. It received mixed reactions with some praising and some saying the post was 'slut-shaming.' What did you want people to understand through what you wrote? 

Honestly, I was so shocked that gay guys seemed so triggered by it. I stopped reading comments because it just turned into a game of men trying to shout over each other. I wasn't trying to slut shame anyone with that post, I was trying to make people laugh by recognizing that the words SQUIRT, DOT, and ORG are literally the funniest, most absurd collection of 3 words I could ever imagine. The way they sound out loud is brilliant. It's like a throwaway joke from the 30 Rock script of my dreams. I think the billboard also said "constant hookups" which is funny because it's like... wait, so the promise is that you never stop fucking? You're just constantly having sex with no breaks or naps or an occasional glass of water?

Mainly, I just don't want people driving down Melrose to see THAT billboard and think of me. But it's not because I'm in any way embarrassed of being gay or sexually active. It's just that the poster is silly. BJ Novak (from The Office) also posted about the billboard, but I didn't check to see if he got dragged, too.

Was laughter a constant in your family growing up? I can almost imagine you kids driving your parents crazy. 

My dad is SO funny. He does bits that make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. My mom, without even trying, is also fucking hilarious. Ilana always makes me laugh with bits that are usually grotesque. She and I worshipped our grandpa who literally bought a camcorder to record sketches FOR HIMSELF. And that shit is funny as hell. He did characters, impressions, roundtable talk shows, political humor... He even LIP SYNCED to opera, but as character he named "Pavarotten." It's so bizarre to watch that footage and think, wow, we're kind of carrying out a more public version of something he did in private.

Writers who are performers and vice versa are fascinating. Would you rather write a perfect line or perform a perfect line?

Perform a perfect line. You get more free shit that way. And I love free shit!

vintage shirt from Dusty Rose Vintage, sunglasses by OAK / glasses models own, vintage coat by Levi's, track pants by OAK / ring by Scosha, chain by Wendy Duffy, sunglasses from Dusty Rose Vintage, track jacket from Dusty Rose Vintage / sunglasses by OAK, trunks from Dusty Rose Vintage / glasses from OAK, blouse from Dusty Rose Vintage / glasses from Dusty Rose Vintage, sweater from Dusty Rose Vintage, shorts from Dusty Rose Vintage / vintage ring, sunglasses by Celine, jeans by A.P.C., robe from Dusty Rose Vintage